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How to Create a Website Absolutely Free of Charge.

Create website yourself tuplea writes

I want to show as many people as may be interested how to create and host their own website FREE OF CHARGE.

A Little Introduction to WEBSITE first.

A website is a set of related web pages located under a single domain name.

tuplea concepts main website

What is the purpose of website?

The purpose of a website is to convey specific, helpful information to a specific user/audience so that the reader learns something new or understands a topic better. The information conveyed could be about a person, groups or a business. So even when all you do on your website is post product pictures, you are still passing information.

How much can one have a website?

This depends on what the website is going to do. Some websites are built solely for shopping (e-commerce), some for news (news site, blog), there are corporate websites and others. Level of security and functionalities may vary, vis-a-vis the price of building. Therefore calculating the cost of owning a website (simple to complex) would be between #50,000 to #500,000 especially when given to professionals.

Can one have website for free?

Yes, you can have a website for free by different means. I have previously written on some of the ways. You may ask for some of the articles so I can share with you (

Today, I will be showing you the technique of creating your own website and expanding your customer base with it.

Things to have at hand before creating your website
✓ A business name
✓ Business Logo
✓ Business Product image
✓ Email Account
✓ Active Telephone Number(s)

In case you don’t have a business logo yet, you can make it free on canva. I organized a week free tutorial on this about a month ago. Another one is starting soon. If you’re interested message me on WhatsApp (0813 238 0951). If you need help on getting logo at reduced price, let me know too.

If you have all the above, then you are set.

Step 1: Create your pages.

Look my reader, all you need is on Facebook. Facebook currently have over 3billion registered users. Another good advantage of Facebook is you can create as many pages as you want. But if your target audience or clients are teenagers or youths, you should be on Instagram, Linkedin, Twitter and Tik-Tok too. So create pages on all or one of them. Then get WhatsApp for Business app.

Copy the links and keep somewhere. If you are working on PC, save on sticky note, or if on phone, make use of your message (type any random number in the recipient)

If you already have business accounts or pages, proceed to step two.

Step 2: Register your business locally. This is called LISTING.

Create free account on Local Business Directories. This will make potential clients around your vicinity find you. Some of those local business directories are Finnelib, ConnectNigeria, Vconnect and there are others. Type on Google to get link to those sites or message me directly (0813 238 0951).

Again, save the link after registration.

Step 3: Create a Contact-Us form (or enquiry form)

It is important you hear from your customers. You need to know what they want or need and how you can serve them better. Prepare for this by creating a Google form.
Remember to save the link like you did above.

Step 4: Setting up the website

A website consist of different web pages located under a single domain name. We are going to link all those pages together under the same domain now.

Proceed to Linktree and create an account. Now create pages by copying and pasting all the links in appropriate places. Remember to save.

By checking the top section of your screen, you should see the link to your website. Copy the link and place at the website section of all your social handles. You see something like []

For now, you have something to use as your website until you have enough to get your OFFICIAL WEBSITE. Following the steps above will surely boost your business visibility.

I hope you find the information shared above helpful? Feel free to share your thoughts at the comment section. Also, let me know if you are having any challenge with regard to the above. You may check mine here

Please Note

Having an original website gives your business a kind of recognition and class. The above guide should not discourage you from having your own website. I have mine too. Visit

If you need affordable website (even less than #50,000). Message me now. There is a promo going on (08132380951).

email: or

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