What the president is not allowed to do Potus on Phone call tuplea blog

Life as the president of the number one nation on earth may be quite amazing. However there are few drawbacks in terms of restrictions on activities due to safety purposes. They are highlighted below;

Have A Video/Phone Call With Friends- the president may only use secure lines, not just any ordinary phone

What the president is not allowed to do Potus on Phone call tuplea blogFormer President, Barak Obama, on call.

Go to the movies-although why would he need to do so since the white house has a movie theater.

What the president is not allowed to do - potus at white house theater tuplea blog
What the president is not allowed to do – potus at white house theater

Under no circumstances may the president drive in a single car with no convoy or drive himself

What the president is not allowed to do-POTUS not driving-tuplea blog
What the president is not allowed to do-POTUS not driving-tuplea blog

Use Personal Technology with no supervision.

Technology like iPhone cannot be used by US president. All gadgets are well screened before being handed to the president

What the president is not allowed to do-Potus cannot use personal technology tuplea blog
Potus cannot use personal technology


Open the Windows in the White House

Its quite a funny rule to be honest, but, a rule is a rule. Don’t dare open the windows in the white house or the ghosts shall come in. Really?

You can probably guess why, with opening the windows, there are a lot of risks in terms of what comes in…

What the president is not allowed to do-POTUS cannot open windows
POTUS cannot open windows

Cannot fly in a public plane

You can probably guess why this poses issues:)

Besides, he has his own plane

POTUS cannot use commercial airline.

I hope you enjoyed this. Add some other things the president cannot do in the comment section below.


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