Ever heard of Disha pages?

Disha pages allows you to create one-page sites with elements such as buttons, photos, carousels, lists, text, links and YouTube videos. Style your page to suit your brand. Get insights on page views, top links, and total clicks. Light & dark mode, custom domains, SEO friendly.

A popular social media policy that only allows users to have only one link in their bio which restricts social media marketers from advertising all their products and services led to Disha Pages which started out as a better alternative to LinkTree but has now grown to a mobile one-page site builder with images, youtube videos, analytics, themes, in-built dark and light mode and so much more.

For example, let’s say you are an artist and you posted your new hit single or new music video. With a product like Disha Pages, you only need to add the link to your music where your audience can get and listen to them, and also watch your video without having to change your link in bio every time. Having known this, all you need is to create your page at pages.disha.ng

how to create beautiful website pages with disha page tuplea concepts

Disha page samples

Disha Pages is pretty easy to set up and customize. The signup process takes only a minute and your page is ready to go in less than five minutes.

To create a page, all you need to do is log in using your Google account or your Instagram account or using your email. From there, you’ll be presented with this screen, where you can input your username and a few categories that it falls into.

  • Buttons, photos, thumbnails (which acts as a call-to-action, taking your visitors to where you want them to be) and also the text and YouTube video feature.
  • Light, Dark and Automatic mode
  • Drag sections to organize your page
  • Style your page to suit your brand with fonts and colors
  • Import from Linktree
  • Search engine friendly
  • Track page views, top links, and total clicks
  • Google Analytics
  • Custom domains
  • Facebook Integration.

Kindly check it out and tell us what you think in the comment section.


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